There’s Always a Dog (New Zealand)

December – May, 2013

We noticed in our travels around New Zealand that most people own at least one dog, and that dogs are welcome on hiking trails, beaches, in parks and in many business establishments.  I’m not sure I ever saw a No Dogs Allowed sign, although they might request you have your dog on a leash.

That’s not to say Kiwis don’t love cats, because they do!  But we began to suspect they might love dogs a little bit more.  This suspicion was confirmed one day in a pet store.  We found racks of those little caution signs you put in your car window to announce various critters on board, and they must have had about every major dog breed represented in those signs.  Here is a picture of one of those racks.


And here is the sum total of signs to represent the many breeds of cat.  I rest my case. –Cyndi


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