The Chance Bay Trail (Whitsunday Island, Queensland, Australia)

Posted June 27, 2024
about September 23, 2022

The Chance Bay Walk is a forest trail that connects Whitehaven Beach and Chance Bay. The walk is approximately 1.5 miles long and somewhat hilly, but it looked doable for us. Below is an approximate representation of the trail.

After making our way across the beach, we set out on the trail. We were surrounded by bushy scrub forest as we left the beach behind, but the trees became taller, greener, and the forest cooler as we gained altitude. It was a welcome respite from the Queensland’s bright sunlight and heat.

I enjoyed the sound of our feet crunching on the leaf-strewn path and the steady rhythm of our walk, interrupted at times when I’d stop to take photos, then rush to catch up with Rich who walked ahead of me.

At one point, the forest suddenly opened up, letting in more light, and our trail became surrounded by bushy plants known as grass trees. Tufted poofs with long thin leaves lined the path, giving it a fairyland appearance. We could hear birds and the occasional rustle of critters in the underbrush. Soon, the trees closed in around us again, and we were back in the darker, cooler air. There is something so special about being surrounded by a forest; it’s like medicine for the soul.

As we neared the end of the trail, we got our first glimpse of the sand of Whitehaven. It seemed to be a fitting name as the sand was so white it appeared like a light at the end of a tunnel of trees. Below is a gallery of photos from our walk.

As we neared the tunnel’s end, we could see we were about to enter a world of white and blue. Already I could see this would be a very special beach. –Cyndi

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