January 14, 2023

Did we mention it’s hot here?

The above image was created with AI using DALL-E 2. All I did was ask it for “an abstract image of extreme heat in Darwin” and this is what it gave me. Yep, that feels about right!

It was 33C here today (or 91.4 for us yanks). The very high humidity makes it feel so much worse than it sounds. Also, Legacy bakes in the sun like a closed-up car parked in the desert.  Even with the air-conditioning running full blast all day, it gets up to about 34 in the boat (94F) for a few hours during the hottest part of the day.

-Rich (just whining!)

Note from Cyndi: I keep hinting to Rich about getting a boom tent, pointing out the nice ones in the marina. No interest from him so far, but we’ll see.

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