The Calm After the Storm (Great Barrier Island, New Zealand)

February 14, 2022

The remnants of Cyclone Dovi had passed, and this morning we were treated to mirror-calm water in Wairahi Bay. Rich flew the drone and got some really nice photos of the clouds reflected in the water, both around our boat and down into the arm of this bay. It looked like the other boats near us came through the storm fine. Below, a gallery of photos (click on any photo to enlarge)

Rich took a flight up into the harbor and we were both surprised to see the number of boats that ended up in a bay northwest of us, Smokehouse Bay. It would have been a great spot for westerlies but not for northerlies, which is why we never considered it.

We hadn’t noticed boats there before; so we figured they must have moved while Dovi was coming through. This meant it must have gotten unpleasant in their anchorages when the wind backed to the west. Is it possible the wind drop we experienced was simply due to the unique attributes of this bay? It’s hard to believe, but strange things do happen. When these strange things work in our favor, I don’t question them too much.

Below, a couple of photos showing the boats in Smokehouse Bay.

With Dovi now behind us, we took a final day relax before heading back to the Hauraki Gulf the next morning. –Cyndi


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