Upcoming Trip???

December 29, 2021

We’re just sharing this possibly embarrassing plan with you to show you our thought process at this time. I think it’s similar to that of many other cruisers – not the specifics but the basic concept of trying to figure out what to do in these challenging Covid-19 times.

We started talking a while back about sailing back down to Stewart Island this (southern) summer. In the interactive Google map below, you’ll see that it has evolved somewhat. (Click on the leg number to see the to and froms.)


The total voyage distance would be 3,088 nautical miles and at an average speed of 5.2 knots, would mean sailing for 594 hours or 24 days. Yea, there’d be stops along the way, but that’s a lot of time at sea. Our longest passage ever was almost 3,000 miles from Hawaii back to California.

This would also mean sailing much of the trip in extreme (for us) southern latitudes where it can get very rough. Sure, we’d wait, and wait, and wait for weather but still…

Man, I hope we come to our senses before we try this stupidity! -Rich

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