Sorry for the Slow Posts!

February 22, 2013

I must apologize that I lag so behind with the posts, but cruising can be a surprisingly time-consuming activity and blog posting always has to come second to seeing and doing. In the past I have declined sundowner  invitations in favor of working on the blog, but I’ve come to realize it’s a shame to miss out on the now in favor of writing about things that have already happened. (And I won’t even go into the friend who opted out of an amazing waterfall excursion in order to update his blog.)

I do keep a journal and take a lot of photos; so when the time comes to write a post I have a good record of the place and events.

I will admit I kind of like being behind for a couple of reasons. The first is that in going through our pictures (and re-reading my journal), I’ll be reminded of things I’d forgotten about, often delightful things, and it’s fun for both of us to re-live them in making the blog post.

The second is in knowing what’s going to happen, I can write about things that seemed small at the time but turned out to be important, and leave out “big deals” that were long-forgotten a day later and irrelevant. The blog then becomes less of a journal and more of a story.-Cyndi

Posting things awhile after they happened lets us remember things like this delicious poisson cru (from French Polynesia and my Misc. Pictures file). Wow, I haven’t thought about poisson cru in awhile, but we sure loved it. I wonder how much it costs to fly to Tahiti from here?
Posting things awhile after they happened lets us remember things like this delicious poisson cru (from French Polynesia and my Misc. Pictures file). Wow, I haven’t thought about poisson cru in awhile, but we sure loved it. I wonder how much it costs to fly to Tahiti from here?
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