Handy Links to Bay of Islands Posts from December 2013

March, 2013

We returned to the Bay of Islands in December 2013 and visited areas we didn’t get to the first time around. I wrote four posts about those areas and tacked them on after the March posts, labeling them: Bay of Islands Revisited.

I’m currently writing blog posts for that December era and am updating and giving new titles to those “Revisited” posts. I’m also moving them around, first to the top of our blog as I write them, then eventually to their proper chronological order.

For anyone doing research who finds it useful to have the Bay of Islands posts lumped together, I’ve put links to those posts here, plus added in a new post:

The Manawaora Bay Area
Lovely Opunga Cove
Motorua Island: Awaawaroa Bay and Hahangarua Bay
Urupukapuka Island: Urupukapuka Bay
A Dinghy Ride to Oke Bay
Good-bye For Now, Beautiful Bay of Islands

So the first round of Bay of Islands posts is still here, and above are links to posts from our second time through the area.

We also have A Quickie Guide to Our Favorite North New Zealand Anchorages (located in the New Zealand section of the Cruising Information Page), which includes the Bay of Islands and the North New Zealand Coast.–Cyndi



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