Miscellaneous Vava’u Pictures (Tonga)

November, 2012

I have five pictures from our time in Vava’u that never made it into any blog posts. I’d like to post them, though; so here they are. (Rich is going to kill me as he’s sick to death of editing Vava’u sunset pictures, but I like this one. If I disappear, I was last seen sneaking a sunset picture into this group for him to edit.) -Cyndi

Rich and I with our friends Bob and Linda at the Rooster Cafe.
Rich and I with our friends Bob and Linda at the Rooster Cafe.
Our friends from Lisa Kay goofing off in their dinghy.
Our friends from Lisa Kay goofing off in their dinghy.
Approaching the Tongan Beach Resort in Legacy.
Approaching the Tongan Beach Resort in Legacy.
Rich walking on Tapana island.
Rich walking on Tapana island.
The dreaded Neiafu sunset picture that someone dreadfully sick of sunset pictures has to edit so it can be in this post.
The dreaded Neiafu sunset picture that someone dreadfully sick of sunset pictures has to edit so it can be in this post.
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