The Trip to Bora Bora (Society Islands)

August 15, 2012

We set out in the morning for the 25-mile passage to Bora Bora. The winds were pretty light so we ended up motor sailing the entire way. On the way, we were treated to the sight of whales breaching in the distance, which was very exciting.

(Rich: I looked off the starboard side of the boat, about a mile away, and saw a very pretty sailboat with dark-colored sails. I wondered where it came from – it had not been there a few minutes before. As I watched, the head sail moved aft and the main sail moved forward. The “sails” crossed and crashed into the water. They had actually been two breaching whales.)

The pass into the reef around Bora Bora is easy to navigate, and we felt comfortable in spite of the large waves breaking on either side of the boat as we made our way in. Once we got in, we decided to make our lives easy and just pick up a mooring at the Bora Bora Yacht Club. We wouldn’t have to worry about finding a place to anchor and would have instant access to food, drinks, and hopefully a laundry service. As it turned out, this was to be our home for most of the time we were in Bora Bora. -Cyndi

Approaching Bora Bora.
Looking for a mooring at the Bora Bora Yacht Club.
The view from our mooring.
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