Super Secret Incredible Free Fishing Lure Instructions


Bill (from S/V Island Bound) taught us to make these lures. Thanks Bill – They’re great! Lots of people have asked us how to make them. Here’s a step-by-step guide in the miscellaneous category of our cruising information pages.

This just in: It seems the prior art goes back even further. I got a great email from Chuck on Jacaranda about these lures with lots of tips and tricks. I added his email to the bottom of the guide. Thanks Chuck!

Dinghy Knot?

August 9, 2014

Here in Neiafu, it’s not unusual to see ten dinghies all tied to the same cleat on the dinghy dock.  Reason: there are only two cleats.  Fine, but sometimes, after a night of drinking at the Aquarium Cafe, not everyone is so meticulous about retying the lines removed to free the dinghy in question. Not a problem for us…


We’ve used this a lot and never seen anyone else do it (knock, knock, knock… and never lost a dinghy!). We just pass the line up through the crack between boards and tie a figure eight or a stopper knot. Done.

(To the less-than-considerate guy who tied his dinghy up to the loop in our dinghy knot: don’t do that!!!) -Rich

Swimming with Whale

August 6, 2014 in Vava’u, Tonga

We finally got to swim with a whale – not the humpbacks we expected but rather an orca!…


He seemed receptive, so Cyndi decided to try to ride him. It didn’t go so well…


Waiting Out Weather, Part II

August 4, 2014

We’re still waiting for the strong winds to abate. In the mean time…








Thanks to Larry and the crew of Lisa Kay for this movie recommendation. (I forget – is it libel or slander when it’s written? — guess it doesn’t matter if it’s TRUE!)

Don’t forget to check out Waiting out Weather, part I if you haven’t already.

It actually looks like we might get a little break in the high winds, though not as much as we’d like. We hope to head out to some new anchorages tomorrow. We’ll let you know how it goes. -Rich

Update: A quote from Cyndi the morning after… “I feel like my brain is a little melted today, like that movie caused some brain damage!”







Another Update – August 7, 2014: The video store in Neiafu had the first Sharknado, which we watched last night. Not as “mind-melting-and-destroying” as II but still a great bad movie!