Viani Bay Feast

June 26, 2013 in Viani Bay, Fiji

Tonight almost everyone in the bay got together for a lovo.  A lovo is a Fijian feast with the food cooked in an oven made by digging a hole in the ground, building a fire, heating stones, piling up the food in the hole and covering it for an hour or more.  The food was excellent and the company was great. -Rich


It was quite a large group that gathered for the feast…


With a lot of people we knew and a lot of new friends who are taking part in the Island Cruising Association Pacific Circuit Rally.


And what a beautiful setting!


We had no idea that we’d have to work for our meal! (Just kidding.)


The food was wonderful…


Everyone thought so!  (“Hey fella, are you going to eat all that yourself?”)


It was late and getting dark with a rainstorm approaching before we left the beach.  Aaah, another wonderful cruising evening!

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