Seeing the Doctor in Neiafu (Vava’u, Tonga)

November 12, 2012

We had talked to some friends about some of the anxiety we’ve experienced thus far on our cruise, to the point we gave ourselves a nickname back in French Polynesia: The Little Girls on Legacy (crying, whining, and wanting to play with their Barbies when that mean Mr. Ocean got rough).  Anxiety can be a good thing when it’s appropriate, a reminder to be careful, alert or to take action to insure your safety.  But sometimes anxiety can come up in situations you can’t change, with things that are merely discomforts to be endured.

In that case, it only causes needless suffering as you find yourself overreacting to something that isn’t all that dangerous or uncomfortable.  All your anxiety helps you achieve then is high blood pressure.  Our friends had recommended Valium as you can take half a pill, relieve needless anxiety and still function on the boat, which is crucial.  They recommended we see the doctor in town as she could probably prescribe something along that line; so we made an appointment.

On Monday morning, we did see the doctor and explained our situation.  She listened and was very insightful, suggesting that we might be suffering a mild variation of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) from the first passage (LA to the Marquesas). She agreed to prescribe just a few Valium, but she thought what we really might benefit from was antidepressants and prescribed them for each of us.  She was right: we both benefited quite a bit. It’s not that antidepressants cured all of our anxieties or negative emotions; it’s just that when they come, they’re more appropriate for the situation.  We’re both feeling better in general, more “even” and less erratic in our reactions to life’s ups and downs.

Rich wrote a blog about this, too.  Actually, he’s the brave one who instigated this blog. I was feeling less sure about wanting to write about something so personal.  But he’s right: if only one other person benefits from reading about our experience, it’s worthwhile.  (Besides, anyone who knows me knows I’ve been a basket case for years! ;)) -Cyndi

(FYI: We’re each taking ½ pill daily of a drug called Lexapro)

Here are my favorite pictures of evening skies taken around Vava’u.

evening-skys-1 evening-skys-2 evening-skys-3 evening-skys-4

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